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Membership Application 2024 online
BDFNQ Inc. is a non-profit organisation which aims to promote the use and application of Biodynamic principles in the community, specifically in Far North Queensland, basic membership is open to residents of Queensland. .www.biodynamicsfnq.org.au Email: thesecretary@biodynamicsfnq.org.au Membership Fees are valid for the Calendar year, ending December 31st. Full rates $45 per year from end October carry over to the following year. Membership (for new members) from June to December is $30. |
Which Membership is best For Me? Basic BD $45 per year: Use of our extensive library of books, journals, DVDs etc. + Inclusion on the emailing list for regular updates on all activities and group purchase offers + Access to locally produced Biodynamic preparations + Quarterly Who Flung Dung! Newsletter Digital Newsletter Membership $10 per year: If you live outside FNQ you can still opt for the remote area option - subscription to the quarterly Who Flung Dung! Newsletter. |
Cheque or Money Order: please make payable to: Biodynamics FNQ Inc. and post to PO Box 929, Kuranda Qld 4881. Internet Banking – Bendigo Bank BSB: 633-000 Acc No: 119469484 Please reference your deposit clearly with your name/s. |