About Biodynamics
Biodynamics is an advanced organic farming method suited to all types of gardens and farm production. The Biodynamic method was first detailed in a series of agriculture lectures given by Rudolph Steiner in 1924, to a group of farmers who were concerned over degeneration in seed strains, declining crop yields and poor animal health.
Steiner espoused the principle that a farm (or garden) should be considered as an organism, or self-contained entity. As far as possible the bio-dynamics, or life forces, of the farm should be in balance and harmony. In practice, this is achieved by:
- avoiding the use of toxic chemicals for controlling pests
- avoiding the use of artificial fertilizers
- balancing farm outputs to inputs
- developing sustainable ratios for cultivation, cropping and livestock activities and
- using on-farm materials for soil enrichment, rather than matter introduced from outside the farm
Dr Steiner recognised the inherent value of a stable, natural eco-system and considered how this might be reconciled with the economic and management objectives of cultivated systems. Biodynamics differs from other organic and biological methods in that it works with a living soil
and the invisible energies of nature. This is achieved through the specific use and application of the biodynamic preparations (500-508) which assist in connecting the whole farm unit with the biodynamic rhythms of the earth and atmosphere.
Biodynamics is internationally recognised as a leading organic method of natural resource management that:
- uses no chemical inputs and saves as much as 30-60% on input costs
- significantly builds the health, nutrition, and humus levels of the soil
- makes natural bacterial & mineral processes found in an organic system work much faster
- improves the soil water holding capacity and reduces water usage by up to 60%
- can turn marginal land into highly productive, fertile land in as little as two years
- allows the plant or animal to fully connect with the energetic life forces of nature, giving an increased strength, density and vitality and
- improves the taste, quality, shelf life and market value of produce
Biodynamic Certification
The Australian Quarantine Inspection Service (AQIS) is responsible for organic industry export policy matters, including maintenance of the National Standard for Organic and Biodynamic Produce. The day to day responsibilities for certification and inspection are currently held by seven AQIS approved certifying organisations. Currently, 3 of these 7 organisations are approved to certify Biodynamic (see list).
Each certifying body has their own individual standards that are consistent with and meet the minimum requirements of the National Biodynamic and Organic Standards. Fees and procedures vary between the different certifying organisations, ranging from once off annual fees to % of gross sales levies. The certification process usually takes a minimum of 2 years, often with an in-conversion status occurring after the first year.
Certification information packs and copies of the National Standards for Organic and Biodynamic Produce are available from the websites and contact numbers below.
Aus-Qual Pty Ltd PO Box 3403 TINGALPA DC 4173 |
Phone 1800 630 890 FAX: 07 3361 9222 Click here to email AusQual www.ausqual.com.au |
Australian Certified Organic (ACO) PO Box 530 CHERMSIDE 4032 Level 1, 766 Gympie Road CHERMSIDE 4032 |
Phone: 07 3350 5706 Fax: 07 3350 5996 Click here to email Australian Organic www.australianorganic.com.au |
Bio-Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) Post Office POWELLTOWN 3797Main Road POWELLTOWN 3797 |
Phone: 03 5966 7333 Fax: 03 5966 7433 Email: n/a Internet: n/a |
National Association for Sustainable Agriculture Australia (NASAA) Post Office Box 768 STIRLING 5152 Unit 7, Mount Baker Road STIRLING 5152 |
Phone: 08 8370 8455 Fax: 08 8370 8381 Click here to email NASAA www.nasaa.com.au |