Biodynamics FNQ Inc. (BDFNQ) is a fully incorporated, non-profit organization with around 200 members in Far North Queensland
- on the Atherton Tableland west to Georgetown
- on the coast, from Ingham in the south to Cooktown in the north
- remote area members in the Gulf and in Central Queensland
BDFNQ aims to promote the use and application of biodynamic principles in the community by:
- Assisting people in applying all aspects of Biodynamics
- Making and giving access to the Biodynamic preparations
- Maintaining a Library of up-to-date Biodynamic resources
- Organising regular field days and educational activities with particular reference to tropical conditions
- Providing access to specialised BD equipment and instruments
- Promoting the growing of excellent quality Biodynamic produce
- Demonstrating the ability to be independent through education, encouragement and the production of our own preparations
- Quarterly newsletter "Who Flung Dung" posted or emailed to members.
- Access to our experienced Advisors for specific help.