
Resources & Links

BDFNQ publishes a quarterly newsletter, Who Flung Dung. The newsletter contains articles of bd interest, details of forthcoming events, reports on recent events, community announcements etc. Members receive the newsletter automatically as part of their membership package. Articles, reflections, poems, stories, recipes and community announcements are welcome and can be sent by email directly to the editor. If email is not an option, material can be sent to the BDFNQ postal address in Kuranda and items will be forwarded to her.
Advertising is another option – ads are available in the following sizes: business card, 1/4 page and 1/2 page. Enquiries re costs and formatting should be sent directly to the editor.


BDFNQ maintains a wide and up-to-date library of books, DVDs and journals which are available to members for borrowing. The library is set up for perusal at all field days and events and members can borrow and return then.

Click here for our PDF library lists

Recommended Items for Purchase: 

BDFNQ members may purchase the following items at cost price by contacting the membership officer at or at Field Days.

Brian Keats’s Antipodean Astro Calendar
Biodynamic Growing Guide
BDFNQ Quick Reference Spray Table
BAA Biodynamic Resource Manual
Grasp the Nettle- Peter Proctor
Culture and Horticulture – Storl
Agriculture Lectures – Rudolf Steiner
Gardening for life (by Maria Thun)


Learning more about Biodynamics

Great website with great way to learn about Biodynamics  go to Class menu and find a whole course free on line.

USA Biodynamics Association  to read their magazine

British Biodynamics Association      great site, lots of videos and films on Biodynamics and vital foods.

Biodynamics and Organics Links

Local Businesses and Growers

Other Useful Businesses

Certification Links

Other Links

  •  For soil testing that is suitable for organics and Biodynamics
  • Environmental Analysis Laboratories  –

     Order the RA -Pack-02 to get soil totals as well.

  • Ask for independent soil fertilty report (that is the Nutritech one.
  • H2O Water Matters for Australia
  • Australian Perry Agricultural Laboratory
  • Soil Food Web

Media – Journals
